TNT Transit Times

Economy Express

AD Andorra 5 4

AL Albania 7 3

AT Austria 2 1

BA Bosnia Herzegovina 6 3

BE Belgium 1 1

BG Bulgaria 4 1

BY Belarus 5 3

CH Switzerland 2 1

CY Cyprus 5 2

CZ Czech Republic 2 1

DE Germany 2 1

DK Denmark 2 1

EE Estonia 3 1

ES Spain 2 1

FI Finland 2 1

FR France 2 1

GI Gibraltar 6 3

GR Grecce 4 1

HR Croatia 3 2

HU Hungary 2 1

IE Ireland 3 1

IS Iceland 2 1

IT Italy 2 1

LI Liechtenstein 2 1

LT Lithuania 3 1

LU Luxembourg 2 1

LV Latvia 3 1

MC Monaco 2 1

MD Moldavia 7 3

ME Montenegro 3 3

MK Macedonia 8 3

MT Malta 4 1

NL The Netherlands 2 1

NO Norway 2 1

PL Poland 2 1

PT Portugal 3 1

RO Romania 3 1

RS Serbia 5 2

RU Russian Federation N/A 3-5

SE Sweden 2 1

SI Slovenia 3 1

SK Slovakia 2 1

SM San Marino 3 1

TR Turkey 8-9 2-3

UA Ukraine 5-6 3

UK United Kingdom 2 1

VA Vatican City 3 1

YK Kosovo 3 3

 TNT transit times (remote areas may require longer transit times). 

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